more convenience to customers and this also saved the Company’s operation cost. After the Cardless withdrawal service was launched in the fourth quarter of 2018, the Cardless transactions from both AEON
2018 and continued to run the marketing campaign. Thus, the Company provides more channels to facilitate financial services to customers and reduce Company’s operation cost. After the Cardless withdrawal
cashless payment and have an interest in technology. This group of customer is different from the group of customer who use service through Boonterm kiosk. Last but not least, Boonterm will penetrate the
vending machines are available on E-wallet mobile application both iOS and Android. Thus, the Company can study behavior of customer who demand for cashless payment and have an interest in technology. This
study behavior of customers who demand for cashless payment and are interested in technology. This plan, expanding the customer base, will support another platform of the Company that is the shopping
ไมใ่ช้บตัร (Cardless Cashing) รวมแล้วกำรใช้จ่ำยบตัรเครดิตช่องทำง Online เติบโตกวำ่เทำ่ตวั และกำรใช้ Cardless cashing คิดเป็นสดัส่วนกว่ำร้อยละ 30 ของยอดเงินกู้ รวม ทัง้นีบ้ริษัทฯ ยงัมีรำยได้อื่นจำกหนีส้ญูรับคืน
continued pursuing debt collection respectively. However, the Company has been expanding more online service channels to customers and reduced the Company’s operation cost. As a result, the Cardless
via our cashless payment systems. AIS – Siam Station Station Sponsorship Update A total of 9 brands on 11 stations (as of March 2018) OPPO brand at Mo Chit, Ploenchit and Saladang AEON brand at Asok
40mn customers to become paperless and cashless, and to use RLP as the key payment solution. On 30 October 2018, RLP and BTS announced the soft launch of “Bind, Tap & Ride” service across 20 BTS
customer engagement in order to reinforce our digital banking leadership, in support of the national policy of making Thailand a cashless society, we launched a “No Fees” campaign for funds transfer, top-up