ภณัฑจ์ านวน 3 โรงงานไดแ้ก ่ โรงงานผลติ กระสอบ Big bag}, โรงงานผลติ PE Blow film และโรงงานผลติ Flexible packaging ทัง้นี้ โรงงานของวา วา ผ่านมาตรฐานตามขอ้ก าหนด ISO9001/2008 GMP HACCP ISO14001 HALAL และ
support of investment and private spending as well as bolstering opportunities for other economic sectors. Nonetheless, protectionism triggered by the US-China trade dispute dealt a blow to global economic
during the COVID-19 pandemic dealt a severe blow to businesses and private sector employment. Only public spending continued to sustain the Thai economy. Regarding the Bank of Thailand’s monetary policy
severe flooding or heavy monsoon rains also deals a serious blow to households’ properties and quality of life. These extreme events would inevitably hurt demand for financial services as well as borrowers