Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) polyester high value-added films for the specialty, industrial, packaging, automotive, advanced magnetic media, photo systems, electrical and electronics markets and many more
Biaxially-Oriented Polyethylene (BOPET) และ Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) ชัน้น าของโลก ซึง่อยูใ่นกลุม่ผลติภณัฑ์ที่มมีลูคา่เพิม่ (High Value Added) และใช้เป็นวสัดพุเิศษ ส าหรับใช้งานเฉพาะด้านในอตุสาหกรรม
to levels last seen in 2015/16 as reflected in third quarter earnings. This has been achieved despite being negatively impacted by the cost increase from secondary raw material IPA by about $10 per ton
Rules Conditions and Procedures for Being Director or Executive of Other Securities Companies
Short Selling of ETF and Securities Being Underlying of ETF by a Securities Company
Rules for Being Settlor and Trustee of Real Estate Investment Trust
Segregation and Management of Client’s Assets In Case of Intermediary Being under Receivership by Court Order
Rules for Being Settlor and Trustee of Real Estate Investment Trust (Codified)
Prescribing Natures of Giving Advice to Public Not Being Regarded as Engagement in the Securities Business of Investment Advisory Service
Prescribing Natures of Giving Advice to Public Not Being Regarded as Engagement in the Securities Business of Investment Advisory Service