International Public Company Limited (“JAS”) played a part in being the supporter of Mr.Pete Bodharamik’s offence that are failing to prepare and submit (1) an announcement of a statement of the intention to
Telecom Systems Public Company Limited (“JTS”) played a part in being the supporter of Mr.Pete Bodharamik’s offence that are failing to prepare and submit (1) a report on the total number of shares held in
% shares of HHC’ s registered capital by holding 999,998 common shares at par value of Baht 100, total value of Baht 99,999,800. In order to let the Company increase opportunity and channel in contributing
., Ltd. (“the Company” or “FVC”) holds 99.998% shares of HHC’ s registered capital by holding 999,998 common shares at par value of Baht 100, total value of Baht 99,999,800. In order to let the Company
integrated marketing communications where the Company incurred expense to sponsor marketing activities at a cinema in one of major leading shopping center in Bangkok. The Company administrative expense for the
อยางไรก็ดี ผูรวมแสดงความคิดเห็นมีขอสังเกตและขอเสนอแนะ เพิ่มเติมดังตอไปนี้ (1) ผูรวมแสดงความคิดเห็นมีขอสังเกตเกี่ยวกับการกําหนดสัดสวนการถือตราสารหนี้ที่ออก โดยกองทรัสตของ sponsor วาตองไม
Binance in public relations and some parts of customer services such as giving Binance’s customers some advice and resolving their problems. The act mentioned above was considered as supporter of Binance in
in public relations and some parts of customer services such as giving Binance’s customers some advice and resolving their problems. The act mentioned above was considered as supporter of Binance in
cosmetic distribution. Filter Vision Public Co., Ltd. (“the Company” or “FVC”) holds 99.998% shares of HHC’ s registered capital by holding 999,998 common shares at par value of Baht 100, total value of Baht
ซื้อหนวยลงทุนจํานวนนอยกอน (“small lot first”) 1.2 เสนอขายและจัดสรรใหแกผูจองซื้อพิเศษ หรือ sponsor (เจาของ ผูใหเชา ผูโอนสิทธิ การเชา หรือผูใหสิทธิในอสงัหาริมทรัพย ที่กอง 1 จะลงทุน หรือกลุม