which correspondent to the low level of Consumer Confidence Index, while household debt has steadily increased and anxiety for employment situation in the future, all these affected to the expenditure of
persons. Companies should arrange a call tree and a name list of customers, the main service providers and other relevant persons, including contact information, such as an office phone number, home phone
persons and communication, including clear detailed information for disclosure to relevant persons. Companies should arrange a call tree3 and a name list of customers, the main service providers and other
. However, people still have anxiety about the widespread of COVID-19 which affect the decision in going to the hospital, led to a significant decrease in regular patient traffic compared to the same period
sectors, in particular tourism, manufacturing and exports. The situation eroded confidence of investors, leading to increased anxiety about a new round of economic crisis which prompted them to sell off
growth and returns while maintaining our market leadership over the long term. Guided by our core strategies of “Customer Centricity” and making KBank the Customers’ Main Bank for all eight customer
to the banking sector, local commercial banks, some of which are listed companies, are under close supervision of the Bank of Thailand. Investors should adopt a cautious stance but do not have to worry