financial statements on cost of sales and inventories which revealed lack of efficiency and reliability of AIE internal control system. The auditor was thus unable to gather sufficient evidence for such
’ equity falls below zero. In case of any irregular trading activity, SET is the frontline inspector and, if it is considered a liable offense, will gather information for SEC to conduct in-depth inspection
and exercise their voting right to protect their own interest as well as seek clarification from the company’s executives to gather complete information for decision making. In any case, due to the
is effective by following standardized guidelines.On October 27th, 2022, the SEC conducted a public hearing to gather comments and suggestions on the proposed principle to the regulations governing
SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said “SEC aims to provide people in general access to the capital market as a source to accumulate long-term financial stability. However, until now
information disclosure on MD&A of Thai listed companies still has room for improvement. The SEC has therefore planned to study overseas rules and practices, gather information from the industry including
gather related documents and information. If any directors or executives of IFEC, past and present, are found to have been involved in any wrongdoings, the SEC will take prompt and swift legal actions
gather information regarding business practices under the framework of UNGPs and to prepare guidelines for listed companies on how to disclose business and human rights information in a single report
the matter carefully and exercise the voting right to protect own interest. They should also request NBC’s executives to clarify and answer questions in order to gather comprehensive information
of sustainability-themed bonds. In addition, the SEC arranged the focus group session aiming to gather feedback from business operators and stakeholders on 28 March 2023. Most of the respondents