calculated based on that alternate denomination. This approach of aggregating buildings in a bond portfolio is known as the Full Aggregation Method. Condition 1b: Will achieve equivalent performance over the
engagement team carry out their work in accordance with the planned approach. (d) Addressing significant matters arising during the engagement, considering their significance and modifying the planned approach
oneself or other persons, in any manner that is likely to cause a disadvantage to the client: (1) placing, modifying, or cancelling a trading order of securities or derivatives related to such securities by
(Account Aggregation) หน่วยงานกำกับดูแล :• มีการแจ้งเตือนเหตุการณ์ผิดปกติในตลาดทุน ทำให้การตอบสนองและการดำเนินการเพื่อช่วยเหลือเป็นไปอย่างทันท่วงที• มีข้อมูลประกอบการพิจารณากำหนดในเชิงนโยบายที่เกี่ยวข้อง
accessing the password by other person, the user should change the password instantly. · Having an encryption the file that keeping the password for the purpose accessing or modifying. [M] · Inspecting
or modifying. [M] o Inspecting consistently a name list of user for the importance operational system4 and inspecting a name list account of unauthorized user such as the name list account of resigned
relationship with firm value. Similarly, the equally-weighted aggregation of environmental, social, and governance pillar scores, namely ESG score, has insignificant association with firm value. 21 While
consideration test, calculated based on the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2017. When calculated in aggregation with the disposition of assets in the past
calculated in aggregation with the disposition of assets in the past six months, the size of the transaction is equal to 43.18 percent which is equal to 15 percent or higher, but less than 50 percent, this is
แกร่งของคุณภาพโครงข่าย 4G ด้วยเทคโนโลย ี2-Carrier และ 3-Carrier Aggregation ขณะทีก่ารแขง่ขนัยงัคง มุง่เน้นการท าแคมเปญมอืถอืและใชก้ลยุทธท์างด้านราคา เพื่อรกัษาฐานลูกค้า เก่าและดงึดูดลูกคา้ใหมท่ีม่คีุณภาพ