by the end of accounting period (as of December 31, 2018 and 2017). - Other income from gain arising from change in fair value of biological assets which increased by amount of Baht 12 million
% Investment in associated company 483.96 36% 474.65 7% Property, plant and equipment 558.59 42% 557.68 5% Biological assets – dairy cow 44.28 3% 38.56 3% Others 61.09 4% 52.82 4% Total assets 1,345.45 100
8.34 million, or 26.62%, in the year 2021 cause was more commission income in of 2021, which decreased by Baht 12.76 million and gain from changes in fair value of biological assets - dairy cow to Baht
. Thereafter, they must upgrade their status to full Category B derivatives investor contact by December 31, 2011. The amended rules are issued under the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange
company must upgrade its operating system and risk management systems to support the additionally approved securities classes. The consultation paper is available at
capital market. Meanwhile, there will be measures to upgrade investor protection in line with investment risks.Furthermore, there were discussions on how to cooperate, promote and support financial
, compared to the same period of the previous year had amount of Baht 7 million, increased by amount of Baht 14 million. 3. Other incomes from gain arising from change in fair value of biological assets which
of biological assets to ensure its appropriateness. EE is also required to rectify the financial statements for the year 2023 and the third quarter of 2024 and then submit the rectified financial
132.95 10% 104.83 8% Investment in associated company 454.39 33% 483.96 36% Property, plant and equipment 564.29 42% 558.59 42% Biological assets – dairy cow 44.44 3% 44.28 3% Others 40.42 3% 61.09 4
357.05 25% 483.96 36% Property, plant and equipment 712.57 51% 558.59 42% Biological assets – dairy cow 46.27 3% 44.28 3% Others 55.54 4% 61.09 4% Total assets 1,411.82 100% 1,345.45 100% Total assets were