Advisor” and “Digital Asset Fund Manager” shall be two new types of digital asset business subject to SEC’s supervision. Therefore, any person who wants to conduct any of these new businesses is required to
Advisor” and “Digital Asset Fund Manager” shall be two new types of digital asset business subject to SEC’s supervision. Therefore, any person who wants to conduct any of these new businesses is required to
W’s Board of Directors has resolved to approve Domino Asia Pacific Company Limited, subsidiary of the company, to enter into transactions for the acquisition of DOMINO’S PIZZA business in Thailand with Dominos (Thailand) Company Limited and FC Commissary Company Limited, and to enter into the Master Franchise Agreement with Domino’s Pizza International Franchising Inc. as a transferee with the exclusive right to open, administer and develop the pizza restaurant business under the tradename...
provide better access to the markets. The introduction of new platform and services inevitably put pressure on traditional business operators to compete with new wave of competitors in financial services
แบบคำขอรับความเห็นชอบให้บริการ Wealth Advisor
Special Extension for Approved Status of Auditor, Financial Advisor and Compliance
แบบคำขอรับความเห็นชอบเปลี่ยนแปลงระบบงาน Wealth Advisor
Registration of Derivatives Business Operator In the Category of Derivatives Advisor
ำหรับ traditional broker ท่ีมีกำรท ำธุรกรรมในฐำนะตวัแทนลูกคำ้ ดงันั้น ส ำนกังำนจึงเห็นควรใหผู้ใ้หบ้ริกำร investment advisor สำมำรถต่อยอดกำรใหบ้ริกำรใหค้ ำแนะน ำ/ วำงแผนกำรลงทุน โดยส่งต่อค ำสั่งซ้ือขำย