that has not covered the enforcement of investors’ rights as determined in the filing and prospectus. Other mechanisms equivalent can be used in replacement. For example, obligations or document with
Directors' Meeting No.8/2020, Appointment of Directors in Replacement of Those who will Retire by Rotation, and Addition of Agenda Items for the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.(amended) 17/09
1 24 August 2020 Subject : Notification on Resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No.8/2020, Appointment of Directors in Replacement of Those who will Retire by Rotation, and Addition of
:16 Notice of Notification of the Resolutions of the Board of Directors' Meeting No.2 /2022 regarding the appointment of director in replacement of director who resigned and to enter Connected
of the company business with the power to manage the assets. This is in replacement of the existing management and shareholders. As a result, on January 12, 2005, DMF sent a letter to the SEC
impact on the clearing system. Please be informed that the SEC Office has now completed the One-For-All- Reporting System (OFAR) as a new channel for submitting the daily status report in replacement of
impact on the clearing system. Please be informed that the SEC Office has now completed the One-For-All- Reporting System (OFAR) as a new channel for submitting the daily status report in replacement of
impact on the clearing system. Please be informed that the SEC Office has now completed the One-For-All- Reporting System (OFAR) as a new channel for submitting the daily status report in replacement of
capital market business under Clause 31(1) of No. TorLorThor. 8/2557 re: Regulations for Personnel of Business Operators in the Capital Market dated June 3, 2014, which have been promulgated in replacement
Capital Market dated June 3, 2014 which have been promulgated in replacement of the said two notifications.