ratio of recurring income to total revenue, (3) allowing REITs to seek circular resolutions (not including the resolution on sale of assets), (4) reducing the time required for delivering documents
Living Co., Ltd.). All of these helped to increase recurring income as part of MK Group’s business strategy. Gross profit derived from this business was THB 33.11 million, an increase of THB 28.44 million
of raw materials and packaging, which partly offset the increased of excise tax. Food business Food cost of sales was maintained due to improve efficiency in restaurant operation. Selling Expenses
Kuala Lumpur, 22 February 2017 ? Four ASEAN audit regulators and Big-Four audit firms in the region have collectively agreed on a measurable goal to improve audit quality. This initiative was
the company, which will allow them to provide suggestion to improve the operations of the company in those areas. Preparer Auditor Factors Corporate Factors affecting the quality of financial statements
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estate projects. These projects could generate recurring income when completed. The company’s financial results during the nine months of 2017 can be summarized as follows: During the first 9 months of
Munkong Living Co., Ltd.). All of these helped to increase recurring income as part of the Company’s business strategy. Gross profit derived from this business was THB 32.22 million, an increase of THB
comparing to last year, or 9. 63% . The Company planned to improve revenue by adopting sales and marketing strategies, setting up promotion plans as well as increase channels of distribution so that golfers