ไตรมำสที่เหลือของปีนี ้ เหตุกำรณ์ส ำคัญในไตรมำส 1 ปี 2561/62 พฤษภำคม 2561 วนัที่ 23 พฤษภำคม 2561 VGI ได้ประกำศวิสยัทศัน์ใหมเ่ป็น “Pioneering Solutions for Tomorrow” พร้อมขยำยจำกธุรกิจสื่อโฆษณำนอกบ้ำน
CentralPlaza Rama 2 (to be completed by 4Q17). Overseas Expansion CPN has participated in Malaysia’s Central i-City project as its pioneering shopping complex abroad, since CPN envisions retail commerce there to
), CentralPlaza Chiangmai Airport (expected completion in 4Q17) and CentralPlaza Rama 2 (expected completion in 4Q17). Overseas Expansion CPN has participated in Malaysia’s Central i-City project as its pioneering
waste. We launched the pioneering industry measurement, the Sustainable Basket Metric1 to enable us to understand the end-to-end sustainability impact of the average UK shopping basket. The Sustainable
growth aspiration. Domestic Expansion CPN has announced the plan to develop 3 new Mixed-used projects under the concept of ‘Magnifying Local Essence’ in pioneering new economic cities comprising Ayutthaya
its sustainable growth aspiration. Domestic Expansion The Company announced the plan to develop 3 new Mixed-used projects under the concept of ‘Magnifying Local Essence’ in pioneering new economic
, leading to the launch of pioneering marketing campaigns. Distinguished efforts included sales of mooncakes of 16 famous brands via K PLUS, the Pay with K PLUS service or payment in Facebook that offered the