1"" 10 J0% non-progressive rate 4. large exposure risk 4 1 "'(0 $ R )' #). (#%I#0# 4 E3K$1. (#%I#0# 4!4 .&. .&.+#-! .&. (#%I#0# 4 3' J00' % /0."). 3 1 .. 54 60 " 10 : ' # Large exposure risk
Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand (ACT), and various stakeholders to demonstrate collective commitment to fighting against corruption. The event, held under the theme “Fight Against Corruption
objective basis to specific investors (Private Placement) for purpose of increasing the liquidity and supporting the expansion of the Company’s core business, as well as investing in various projects; and the
supporting the expansion of the Company’s core business, as well as investing in various projects; and the amendment of Clause 4 of the Memorandum of Association to be in line with the capital increase. The
objective basis to specific investors (Private Placement) for purpose of increasing the liquidity and supporting the expansion of the Company’s core business, as well as investing in various projects; and the
increasing the liquidity and supporting the expansion of the Company’s core business, as well as investing in various projects; and the amendment of Clause 4 of the Memorandum of Association to be in line with
themselves against investment scams. The lecture covered various topics, including Three Key Factors of Value Investing (Principal, Return, and Time), the “Three Knows” (Know Oneself, Know Others, and Know Own
progresses in the areas of market supervision and development, such as quality enhancement of IPO issuers and listed companies, legal enforcement in various cases, and improved transparency and fairness in
(Thailand) 2023. This initiative, organized by the government in collaboration with the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), the Anti-Corruption Organization (ACT), and various stakeholders, aimed
company contacted and solicited the public as well as disseminated related investment documents and information through various channels including website www.ngm-trading.com to lure the investing public