loss in Q1 2020 but turned profitable in Q1 2021. 3) Lower tax expenses. 2) Financial Position Analysis (Unit : Million Baht) March December Change 2021 2020 Amount % Change Total Assets 23,138 22,346
to other profitable businesses to create competitiveness Please be clarified and publish to investors and interested parties. Best Regards, -- Vichien Uasanguankul-- (Mr. Vichien Uasanguankul) Managing
Re: Particulars of Notice Calling Shareholders’ Meeting of Listed Companies to Obtain Approval for Issuance and Offer of Securities for Sale
from Covid-19, caused a big loss of Baht 631.26 million in a Q2 2020. However, the company was able to turn profitable for full-year 2020 and generated over Baht 1,000 million of net profit in 2021. 2
of 248.6 million baht, decreased 176.0 million baht or 70.8 percent. Performance for Q3/2019 was loss 2.3 million baht compared to Q3/2018 that was profitable 134.5 million baht, decreased 136.8
services to meet customer satisfaction. The development of the company as mentioned above, The Company has improved its performance and expected to be profitable in the near future. Please be informed
-profitable branches. The Group has shifted into delivery activity in this quarter. - Entertainment business earning decreased THB 7.98 million from THB 11.91 million compared to the same period of last year
had to be closed according to government policy. But the company was able to adjust to its profitable operating results this quarter details as follows: Management Discussion and Analysis Q2/2020 Page 3
tool for Thai investors. Other securities companies have followed KGI and launched their own DWs, however KGI has remained the market leader. DW issuing has been a consistently profitable business for
the face of these challenges, AIS’s execution focusing on profitable revenue brought in a core service revenue of Bt33,351mn, growing 2.3% YoY. This growth was driven by the continued expansion of fixed