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of obsolete assets sold at this time is 132,077,686.05 Baht by way of the bidding. The bidding process is done publicly and started since February 2019. For the final round, Strega proposed the highest
.cls-1, .cls-4 { fill: none; } .cls-2 { fill: #494949; } .cls-3 { fill: url(#Unnamed_Pattern); } .cls-4 { stroke: #fff; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-width: 2px; } .cls-5
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categories of Student and General Public) who successfully advanced to the final round of the Capital Market Datathon Project, which attracted 82 participating teams in total. The competition aimed to
. This revision came as a result of the earlier round of public comments, taking place last month, on its guiding principle for setting the licensing fees. In proposing the rule changes, the SEC took into
hedging at Baht 1.8 million. Other income from mold supplier, sales of scraps and obsolete equipment reported at Baht 3.2 million. Gross profit margin was dropped from 33.4% to 32.2% due to long aged