, presently the Company has a lower business opportunity, as a water supply and sewage disposal industry is in recession, while SUTG is having a better business opportunity in a construction field, for the
Profit Margin (%) -0.51 5.07 12.65 7.58 -14.92 13.16 1,289.93 • Net revenue of Q4/2018 is decreased for 27.17 million baht comparing with Q3/2018 because of the recession of the market and the price war
12.43 221.57 Net Profit Margin (%) -0.51 5.07 12.65 7.58 -14.92 13.16 1,289.93 • Net revenue of Q4/2018 is decreased for 27.17 million baht comparing with Q3/2018 because of the recession of the market
export market to Cambodia and Laos including revenue in Malaysia. But it is decreased by 30.07 million baht comparing with Q2/2018 because of the recession of the economic and higher competition in the
แรงอีกหลายระลอก และทาํให้เศรษฐกิจเขา้สู่ภาวะถดถอย (Recession) ถึง 4 คร้ัง ในระยะเวลาเพียง 10 ปี Fed จึงน่าจะหลีกเล่ียงการกลบัมาผ่อนคลายนโยบายการเงินเร็วเกินไป โดยอาจคงอตัรา ดอกเบ้ียนโยบายไวใ้นระดบัสูง 5
significantly affected by low advertising demand due to the prolonged impact of the COVID- 19 pandemic, which has plunged the global economy into a deep recession. Operating revenue decreased by 32.2% YoY to THB
the global steel price. In a certain situation, the Company usually rises the input cost to the price of the products. Anyway, the economic recession threatens to the price structure that the Company
demand of customer in this period due to economic recession. The Company and its subsidiary companies have announced net losses of THB 133 million in Q2/2017 or increase loss by 9% compared to the period
input cost to the price of the products. Anyway, the economic recession threatens to the price structure that the company can not specify the price change with the corresponding changes of cost
ที่เศรษฐกิจจะถดถอย (Recession) สะทอนใหเห็นในราคาสินคาโภคภัณฑท่ีปรับลดลงแรงในชวง 1 เดือนที่ผานมา และอัตราผลตอบแทนพันธบัตรอายุ 10 ป ที่ลดลงมาอยูที่ระดับ 2.9-3% จากสูงสุดท่ี 3.5% ในชวงกลางเดือน