Company; • All employees are required to wear a surgical mask at all times when in public areas; • Encourage employees to regularly wash their hands with water or alcohol and keep social distance; • The
million from Thai Ethoxylate Co. Ltd., (TEX) a subsidiary of GGC, producing Fatty Alcohol Ethoxylate (Derivative product of FA). As a result, the GGC announced net profit for FY17 of THB 521 million (down
million, decreased by THB 245 million or 85% from the same quarter of the previous year, despite, fatty alcohol business had contributed EBITDA of THB 156 million. This was because the methyl ester business
burn drinks that contain fibersol, L-carnitine and vitamin B. These new launches have represented Osotspa’s start-up spirits, for the products to be tested and tried by target consumers. We have
(TEX) which producing Fatty Alcohol Ethoxylate (Derivative product of FA). The company also recognized loss of THB 0.09 million from investments in the Thai Eastern Top Seeds Oil Company Limited (TETSO
was reported at THB 21 million, dropped by THB 5 million or 19%. Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis | 8 Fatty Alcohol (FA) Business Unit Operating
) which producing Fatty Alcohol Ethoxylate (Derivative product of FA), and was also benefited from the THB depreciation from 31.2 THB/USD in Apr 2018 to 33.2 THB/USD in Jun 2018 (depreciated by 6
support and assistance to various sectors in coping with the outbreak of the virus. The Company has delivered beverages and alcohol cleaning products total value of THB 23 million to hospitals nationwide
launched new products such as alcohol products for cleaning in form of gel and spray to respond to Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, so sales of alcohol products for cleaning increased. By the way, revenues
alcohol gel, and disinfectant products permitted by the Excise Department in this quarter. Natural Resource Business was affected by the situation of crude oil price in the global market that declined