export sales volume was dropped including the reduction of selling price. The fluctuation of raw material price and keen competition of selling price affected to the domestic sales whereas the appreciation
in this manner had not happened before. The fact in this matter, although seems not so complicated, relates to many provisions of laws under the purview of both the SEC and the DBD. Accordingly, while
qualified audit personnel and inability to react to changes of professional standards and more complicated structural transactions, will also be addressed to support market readiness for current dynamic
supervision 2.6 Quality Assurance & Review Increasingly, complicated transactions in the financial market especially those in connection with listed companies and intermediaries such as securities houses have
complicated, and for the most part the existing laws do not cover all new ways of committing an offense in the capital market. Legal provisions applied to some cases are unclear and open to interpretation
. บริษทั AVF เพิ่มข้ึนจากช่วงเดียวกนัของปีก่อน 13.66 ล้านบาท BRAND ECCO , KEEN และ 2. บริษัท PTX เพิ่ ม ข้ึนจากช่วงเดียวกันของปี ก่อน 10.03 ล้านบาท จากลูกค้า ต่างประเทศ BAKNER ฉีดพลาสติกงาน STEP STEAK ,ยาง
261.58 million baht. In the second quarter of 2019, sales quantity and selling was declined because of the fluctuation of raw material cost and keen competition of domestic market. In case of export, the
วกนัของปีก่อน เป็นเงิน 5.37 ลา้นบาท หรือร้อยละ 2.65 สาเหตุหลกัเกิดจาก ORDER รับจา้งผลิต Brand KEEN ลดลง และ ยอดขาย งานฉีดช้ินส่วนพลาสติกลดลง 2.รายไดอ่ื้น จ านวน 7.25 ลา้นบาท เทียบกบัช่วงเดียวกนัของปี
submitted the client?s securities trading orders via the internet from the IP address of Krungsri Securities for a certain period of time. Wasana admitted and explained that her client was not keen on
Krungsri Securities for a certain period of time. {C} admitted and explained that her client was not keen on investment and asked her to take care of the trading account.{D} failed to perform her duty in