profiles] phanchul Typewriter [Indicate the status, at least one] phanchul Typewriter [When selecting this one, fill some more description] phanchul Typewriter [When selecting this one, fill some more
complete supplementary documents. The SEC therefore submitted to the DSI a letter giving information and asking for any information that could indicate otherwise. In this regard, the SEC has also asked the
requested. The survey results indicate top-three findings in the audits of public companies in the areas of fair value measurements, internal control testing, and engagement quality control reviews
onerous project contract of transmission and telecommunication towers in the amount of THB 19.61 million due to recognition of revenue and profit margin from such project with lower production cost than
level staff. Female employees account for 67 percent of the total number of employees. In addition, the employee ethics regarding the treatment of colleagues indicate that employees must not commit
inside information in case of companies in financial sector can indicate the direction of listed companies? earning management while material information concerning corporate governance is the number of
acts that benefit or impede the SEC’s proceedings, and records or any other past demeanors which indicate inappropriateness to be personnel in the capital market business. Investors are strongly
, rectifications or other acts that benefit or impede the SEC’s proceedings, and records or any other past demeanors which indicate inappropriateness to be personnel in the capital market business.In this
address of the representative, and the nature of any material relationship between the representative and the issuer or its affiliates to indicate whether a conflict exists between its interest as the
of loss from onerous project contract in the amount of THB 32.19 million as a result of variation of current raw material price from quotation price. However, this transaction would be reviewed in the