Mrs. Sittasri Nakasiri, Assistant Secretary-General of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), participated in the Growth and Emerging Markets Committee (GEMC) Meeting to discuss and exchange
Trairatvorakul, who gave a keynote speech on Thai businesses on the path to sustainable growth. From the Tom Yam Kung crisis 20 years ago, Thai businesses have made great improvements in strategic risk
Bangkok, January 4, 2012 ? The SEC announced today the Strategic Plan 2012 accentuating the capital market?s role as a key driver of economic growth and regional leadership in preparation for the
requiring the company to file with the SEC monthly progress report.SEC Secretary-General Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala revealed that ?the CMSB concurred to extend the due date for undertaking out-of-court
April 26, 2012.In addition, the SEC requires PAF to report through the SET ' s electronic system within April 26, 2012 the progress following the board of directors ' resolution on November 10, 2011
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with access to the capital market for financial advice and planning. This is generally because limited service channels and expenses have been affordable mostly by high income earners. The strategic plan