proposed investment is subject to shareholders? approval, CWT shareholders should exercise voting rights at the extraordinary shareholders? meeting on July 1, 2015.CWT?s proposal to invest in THB 1,469
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol, as a Chairperson of Business Security Law Drafting Task Force under the Prime Minister’s Office Order No. 257/2560 Re: Appointment of Business Security Law Drafting Task Force dated 10 October 2017, presented the Draft Security Interests Act B.E. …. at the 52nd United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Session on 19 July 2019 at the United Nations Center in Vienna, Austria. The aforesaid Draft Act is a collective effort of the B...
rights over the two mines in Indonesia, at the total amount of USD731 million.After considering the disclosed information, the SEC questioned its appropriateness and the assumptions used in calculating the
, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should also make necessary inquiries to the bondholder representative to obtain
. The bondholders are, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should also make necessary inquiries to the bondholder
นางสาวรื่นวดี สุวรรณมงคล เลขาธิการ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ร่วมเสวนาในงาน“the UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia Pacific” ภายใต้หัวข้อ “Mandatory
Bangkok, November 24, 2014 ? The SEC advised shareholders of Asia Joint Panorama Plc. (AJP) to study information and exercise their voting rights at the Extraordinary General Meeting scheduled on
their rights to protect their own interests. They should also make necessary inquiries to the bondholder representative to obtain complete information before making an informed decision at the
with the opinions of the bondholder representative. The bondholders are, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should
association and the directors of TIA’s Shareholder Rights Protection Volunteer Club, and discussed the ways to enhance shareholder and investor rights protection in response to the changes in capital market