equipment in response to the new normal stage. In addition to the fitness studios, Absolute Yoga also operates other businesses such as healthy food, hotel, management and franchise services which will
verification. In accordance with the overarching reporting timetable as laid out in the Climate Bond Standard, issuers are required to provide this information as follows: • Pre-issuance reporting (supported by
ง่ตลำดใน Q1’62 อยูท่ี ่27.9% เพิม่ขึน้จำกไตรมำสกอ่น 2.9% ซึง่สงูกวำ่ผูท้ีไ่ดส้ว่นแบง่กำรตลำดล ำดบัถดัมำ 9.0% - อตัรำก ำไรขัน้ตน้สงูขึน้ 2.7% YoY อยูท่ี ่34.8% ใน Q1’62 เป็นผลมำจำกโครงกำร Fitness First
public. C. Method and Expected Timetable 1. Provide information about the manner in which the debt securities will be offered and the relevant dates of the public offering. 2. Disclose the time period
จัดจําหนายหลักทรัพย D. Auditors ผูสอบบัญชี II. OFFER STATISTICS AND EXPECTED TIMETABLE A. Offer Statistics รายละเอียดหลักทรัพยท่ีเสนอขาย B. Method and Expected Timetable วิธีการและกําหนดเวลาการเสนอ
Handbook on ACMF Pass under ASEAN Capital Market Professional Mobility Framework Handbook on ACMF Pass under ASEAN Capital Market Professional Mobility Framework Issued: January 2019 Updated: September 2019 2 Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Definition 4 3. Guidance on ACMF Pass Framework 3.1 ACMF Pass overview 5 3.2 Permitted activities 6 3.3 Application process 9 3.4 On-going obligation 9 3.5 Monitoring, supervisory and enforcement mechanism 11 3.6 National regulations regarding the approval proc...
Foods will start selling healthy food products at Virgin Active Fitness Clubs in Thailand in 3Q19. Revenue from education business is expected to increase due to opening of Dusit Hospitality Management
Foods will start selling healthy food products at Virgin Active Fitness Clubs in Thailand in 3Q19. Revenue from education business is expected to increase due to opening of Dusit Hospitality Management
distributed the products only in selected channels, e.g. e-commerce, sport venue and fitness center, and supported the launches via social media where communication can be more catered to targeted consumers
that we can hear feedback from our targeted consumers before leveraging our mainstream operation. We targeted these launches in selective channels, especially e-commerce, sport venues, fitness centers