all sectors in the capital market to develop it to be able to compete and to sustainably grow. Furthermore, SEC Chairman Voravidh Champeeratana also delivered the welcoming remarks to the seminar
Responsible Investing Fund (SRI Fund) is a mutual fund with an investment policy focusing on investment in securities of businesses that operate sustainably according to internationally accepted principles
Bank’s business strategies so that the Bank can grow steadily and sustainably while creating value for all stakeholders and striving to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). 7. Climate
with the property investigation. Progress Report of Business Plan for first quarter of the year 2019 ended March 31, 2019 The management has strongly set its goal to grow sustainably. We would like https
sustainably in harmony with the environment in every dimension. SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said “SEC is committed to strengthening the capital market for growth and sustainable development by
with the SEC and related parties towards a holistic approach will drive the capital market to sustainably benefit the economy, the society and the country.”Key collaborations are as follows:1. One Stop
more weight to sustainability-driven securities investment. This means issuers of such securities could gain more recognition from stakeholders and grow their business sustainably while contributing to a
Thailand_Taxonomy_PhaseI_ENG.pdf Thailand Taxonomy Board The Thailand Taxonomy Board is established to develop Thailand Taxonomy, a classification system of economic activities deemed as environmentally-sustainable. The Board
of a classification system of economic activities deemed as environmentally sustainable (Thailand Taxonomy), which aims to foster growth and investment in environmental and social themed projects
paid-up capital. The Company will recognize the profit from Manufacturing and selling dried fruits, including the return from its subsidiary. Also, the subsidiary will sustainably support growth of the