administrative expenses of 7.98 million Baht, mainly due to decrease of the sales promotion expense. NQL121K:」:L■nd_1:盤:重導:と0脅 [ma基ユユ Fo「 the three―Inonth period ended 31 March 2020,the(3ornpany's'ヾ et ProltヽA/aS
custom our three co gital contents t e brand loyalt ocation Act wa e Act entails th will replace th owth was large et campaigns. d service offere ber than prepai there was mo nged, the mark
businesses: 1. Power Generation 1.1 Local power generation Khanom Electricity Generating Co., Ltd. (KEGCO) IPP EGCO Cogeneration Co., Ltd. (EGCO Cogen) SPP Roi-Et Green Co., Ltd. (Roi-Et Green) Banpong
. (KEGCO) IPP EGCO Cogeneration Co., Ltd. (EGCO Cogen) SPP Roi-Et Green Co., Ltd. (Roi-Et Green) Banpong Utilities Co., Ltd. (Banpong) Klongluang Utilities Co., Ltd. (Klongluang) Chaiyaphum Wind Farm Co
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2.74 million 55%. The incr ordingly, was) rom investmen nge Loss (non- Net Profit – une 30, nge Loss (non- et Profit – six-m in comparis on or 48.28% company rec in compariso rease or decr nts in
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promotio ther income elling Expens dministrative perating Prof nance Cost come tax exp et Profit Revenues A The Compa Retail Busin contributed The Compa same perio total revenu year at 1,12 by the follow 1
Robinson Roi- Et branch, Robinson Petchburi branch, Robinson Saraburi branch, and Robinson Kamphaeng Phet branch. Due to the declining economy in 2017, the Group had closed 7 non-performing branches. As a