material information which has not yet been disclosed to the public. 01/04/2020 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows :  
resolutions as follows; 1. Determined the schedule of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders No. 1/2017 (“EGM No. 1/2017”) on Monday, November 13, 2017 at 2.00 p.m., which will be held at 3rd
capital total baht 765,000,000 and Paid-up capital baht 765,000,000 with 7,650,000 common shares at a baht 100 par share and the Company will hold 33.33% which amounts to baht 254,974,500 at value 100 baht
capital baht 765,000,000 with 7,650,000 common shares at a baht 100 par share and the Company will hold 33.33% which amounts to baht 254,974,500 at value 100 baht per share, total of 2,549,745 shares. The
registered capital total baht 765,000,000 and Paid-up capital baht 765,000,000 with 7,650,000 common shares at a baht 100 par share and the Company will hold 16.67 % which amounts to baht 127,525,500 at value
common shares or 89.88% of paid up shares of PKS from Mr.Tran Minh Tien, Mrs.Vo Hoang Nhu Phuc at the par value of 100,000 VND in approximately USD 65,617.60 (or about Baht 2.15 million at exchange rate
Settlement Committee. Mr. Somchai paid the fine as determined by the Settlement Committee order no. 8/2016, March 16, 2016. This case is regarded as settled. SEC Act S.243(1) in conjunction with 244 and
derivatives trading within the scope of investment pre-determined by their clients. In any case, provision of such additional services must comply with supervisory rules and investor protection guidelines. The
. Sittilarp to conceal the identity of the account user. 08/07/2022 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows : - a civil
Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992). The inquiry official forwarded the requested for the settlement. The Settlement Committee determined the fine, order no. 93/2017 dated on 15 November2017 and Marnfah Group