Management Name : Mr LAN MU-CHIOU | Type of securities : Common share | Methods of Acquisition / Disposition : Buy | Transaction Date : 09/03/2016
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Limited l19 Moo 15■ .Sobprab A Sobprab Lan,pang 52170 Thalland Tel:(+66)054-358996 Fax:(466)054‐ 296556 ww、v.hornepottery co「 n ln consolidated financial statements for the year 2019, the Company's revenue
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95.0% by Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Trang (Seller) and the remaining 5.0% is held by Mr. Lan Tieu Phi (Seller’s spouse) 1 MACO holds 75.0% in VGIMS, while the remaining shareholding is held by VGI 2 General
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Parliament with assembly building Phase2 and the Trading Project of internal communication network (LAN) equipment and video conference equipment of the Social Security Office. Furthermore, revenues from sales