in this manner had not happened before. The fact in this matter, although seems not so complicated, relates to many provisions of laws under the purview of both the SEC and the DBD. Accordingly, while
qualified audit personnel and inability to react to changes of professional standards and more complicated structural transactions, will also be addressed to support market readiness for current dynamic
supervision 2.6 Quality Assurance & Review Increasingly, complicated transactions in the financial market especially those in connection with listed companies and intermediaries such as securities houses have
the securities, including the amount and price. He also asked the client to leave the ATS saving account with him so he could help the client trade securities. In addition, he rehearsed the client in
partial investment. Sakkarin then tricked the client into believing that he would join the investment and leave the purchased shares in the client's account. The client therefore transferred money to
people die at old age in their retirement years during which their income is low or none. So if they do not leave negative bequest, it is not likely these people are in financial ruin during their
case of movement or changes in transactions. This significantly decrease the time of each process because each activity in the Capital Market has complicated process and steps regarding document
has ended to maintain the benefit of continuous saving.?The post-retirement issue is getting more complicated as the society is moving toward longer lifespan and higher living costs especially medical
involving with complicated transactions, audit works need competent audit teams under quality assurance system. To lift up confidence in the Thai capital market, audit firms should place priorities on
signs MOU with Central Institute of Forensic Science to increase efficiency in testing evidence of offenses in the capital market. capital market are complicated and finding the evidence is difficult