assumptions are based on management of the subsidiary’s judgment and past experience and business plan, as well as the future prediction that is believed to be reasonable in the present situation and compared
, as well as the future prediction that is believed to be reasonable in the present situation and compared to the carrying amount of assets related to the licenses. Conclusion : The Group reported a loss
knowledge and experience in reviewing the reliability the financial statements of the Company and their experience in auditing financial statements. 9.3 Selection and appointment of directors and chief
also embarked on a journey to make the organization ready for the future. Initiatives in this regard include the recent strengthening of the management team with the recruitment of the Chief Strategy
recruitment of the Chief Strategy Officer and Chief HR Officer, steps being taken to implement digitization programs and standardization of an ERP system. Growing demand for the 100% recyclable PET is also
the future prediction that is believed to be reasonable in the present situation and compared to the carrying amount of assets related to the licenses. In addition, the Group has adjusted and restated
specific business of MODERN while attending the Board of Executive Directors meeting. Such inside information supported the prediction that the net profit of the second quarter of 2016 would drop
the information on the operating results of a specific business of MODERN while attending the Board of Executive Directors meeting. Such inside information supported the prediction that the net profit
assessment or prediction of loss at a significant amount in the operating results for the year 2017. Based on the inside information, Woraphant sold 1,121,000 of his STEC shares in the securities trading
Development programs, completed the hiring of a Chief Strategy Officer and a Chief Human Resources Officer and formed the Indorama Management Council. Indorama Ventures 2018 MD&A 5 349 381 740 35 34 51 384 414