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ACMF with technical assistance as well as expert guidance to foster capital market development throughout the ASEAN region.ACMF thanked the Sustainable Finance Institute Asia (SFIA) for its support
for ASEAN Sustainable Capital Markets (Roadmap) was endorsed by the ASEAN Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting (AFMGM) in April 2019. The Roadmap promotes a common vision and
Providing Guarantee for Insured Mutual Fund by Securities Company in the Category of Securities Finance Business (No. 2)
Capital Market Datathon project. The objective is to announce the winning teams and showcase their innovative ideas that bring value to the Thai capital market using SEC Open Data. Ms. Pornanong
THE NOTIFICATION OF THE CAPITAL MARKET SUPERVISORY BOARD (Unofficial Translation) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is
THE NOTIFICATION OF THE CAPITAL MARKET SUPERVISORY BOARD (Unofficial Translation) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is
flow in the Thai capital market. Resulting from the cooperation among the Ministry of Finance (MOF), the Bank of Thailand (BOT), the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), and the SEC in establishing a
flow in the Thai capital market. Resulting from the cooperation among the Ministry of Finance (MOF), the Bank of Thailand (BOT), the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), and the SEC in establishing a
in ASEAN.This initiative will facilitate ASEAN capital markets in tapping green finance to support sustainable regional growth and meet investor interest for green investments and is part of the ACMF's