: The SET shall comply with the regulatory objectives and the operating rules of securities exchange. In issuing, revising or modifying its rules and regulations, the SET must conduct a hearing session
are allowed to also inform the SEC of the names of foreign business operators instead of only the names of the foreign personnel as previously required; 2. Modifying the requirements for notifying the
at least on a quarterly basis;5. Modifying consideration procedures of underlying indices, management strategies, and disclosure requirements for inbound foreign ETFs to be in line with those
, according to their underlying assets, but at least on a quarterly basis; 5. Modifying consideration procedures of underlying indices, management strategies, and disclosure requirements for inbound foreign
thus not subject to the RMF investment continuity requirement. Employees are also entitled to transfer of the remaining PVD membership to RMF to be eligible for a tax break provided that all
. Deep dive focus areas (30 minutes) a. Governance b. Investment Strategy c. Corporate Engagement d. Policy advocacy e. Investor Disclosure BREAK (10 minutes) 4. Case studies (virtual) (20 minutes) AIGCC
one day in advance). Business hours: Mondays - Fridays (except public holidays) from 08:30 - 15:00 hours. (lunch break) Location: The Securities and Exchange Commission 333/3 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road
Advertising revenue increased by 68.9% YoY to THB 415mn o System integration services revenue increased by 38.7% YoY to THB 333mn Media operation in Malaysia reached its break-even of net profit for the first
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