, notably low carbon footprint, will keep demand for PET and packaging robust. Combined PET segment delivered US$ 17M in efficiency gains from Project Olympus Integrated Oxides and Derivatives (IOD) IOD
Overview In the year 2017, the overall picture of the apparel industry remained stable in line with the Thai and global economy. The sale of goods to foreign countries has been affected by the appreciation
improve its operating rate, product mix and also complement IVL’s strategy in global Home & Apparel segment to serve its global customers with differentiated HVA fibers. This transaction follows investments
: The company is engaged in manufacturing operations for ladies’ apparel products, covering the range of ladies’ lingerie, ladies’ outerwear, and childrenwear, with ladies’ lingerie category serving as
.................................................................................................... 49 Insurance n Information Technology ............................................................................................................... 50 Electric Utilities n Apparel and Retail n
: Manufacturer of finished garments Issued and paid-up share capital : Baht 30,000,000.- classified into 3,000,000 ordinary shares, with par value of Baht 10 per share Pre-transaction shareholding level : 573,000
►Navigate toward a more robust resilience assessment and related disclosure over time TCFD’s stages of progression Beginning Gaining experience Advanced 28 พฤศจกิายน 2567 Page 30 ท ำควำมรู้จกักบัมำตรฐำนกำร
ผลกำรด ำเนินงำน และสดัสว่นของผลติภณัฑ์ (Product Mix) และยงัช่วยสง่เสริมกลยทุธ์ของไอวีแอลทีเ่ก่ียวกบัผลติภณัฑ์ที่เก่ียวกบับ้ำนและ เคร่ืองนุง่หม่ (Home & Apparel segment) เพื่อตอบสนองต่อควำมต้องกำรของลกู
. airbags, tires, seatbelts), Lifestyle (apparel, active wear), and Hygiene (diapers, feminine care) Specialty Chemicals Specialty PET-related chemicals (for medical, premium bottles, films and sheets); PIA
), composites and worsted wool fibers for three end uses segments: Mobility (automotive), Lifestyle (active wear, apparel), and Hygiene (baby diapers, feminine care) Specialty Chemicals Include Specialty PET (for