and warranty cost from service agent. Total shareholders’ equity as at 31 December 2017 was Bt1,334mn, increasing 12.8% compared to total shareholders’ equity as at 31 December 2016, mainly from net
increased from the Government and State Enterprise sector which the warranty from Turnkey Total Solutions expired and then continued with the maintenance service. Gross Profit For the three-month period, the
from the reversal of provisions for warranty which was expired and no service renewal. Cost of Construction The company and subsidiaries’ cost of construction was Baht 27.87 million whereas in the same
yet reached the invoicing threshold. Other current assets sale increased by 34. 5 MB, representing an increase of 20. 5% mainly due to the expenses for maintenance and product warranty of prepaid
year by THB 23.6 million or 172.6%. It mainly increased from the Government and State Enterprise sector which the warranty from Turnkey Total Solutions expired and then continued with the maintenance
ยีงทีเ่หน็ดว้ย ไม่ เหน็ดว้ย และงดออกเสยีง สรปุผลคะแนนประเมิน ปี 2566 จ านวนบริษทั 5 เหรยีญ 100 คะแนน ดเียีย่มสมควรเป็นตวัอยา่ง 231 4 เหรยีญ 90-99 คะแนน ดเียีย่ม 386 3 เหรยีญ 80-89 คะแนน พอใช้ 130 ต ่า
project and the Project during warranty period. Equipment for lease decreased by 58.0 MB, representing a decrease of 16.2% mainly due to the depreciation of equipment for lease minus capital expenditures on
company had paid the increase in prepaid of the maintenance and the warranty of the maintenance projects. Investments in joint ventures decreased by 30.9 MB or decrease of 30.1%, due to the recognition of
to improve and add CCTV with the government agency which had a low gross margin as well as the increase in cost of projects incurred during the warranty period. Retail business In 2Q17, the Group has
prepaid and covered by a warranty period of more than 1 year. Liabilities Items that has significant changes Balance by Quarter Change Q2–21 Q4–20 Q2–21 VS Q4–20 (MB) (MB) % Short-term loan from financial