relatively high gross profit resulting from efficient return trip cost management In addition, at the beginning of the year, oil prices have declined. Making the company profitable with the gross profit margin
modules SECTOR MATERIALITY AND RELEVANCE 15 TC FD K EY S EC TO R S Energy Transport Materials Agriculture Finance Oil & gas Coal Electric Utilities OEMs Services Cement Steel Metals & mining Chemicals
from the slow economic growth of trading partners, the protectionist trade policies between the US and China, the down-cycle of electronic products and also from the decline in global oil prices together
oil palm causing a potential decline in consumption 2) Manufacturing capacity also remains at low level indicating slow growth for private investment 3) Exports could also face a potential slowdown from
oil palm causing a potential decline in consumption 2) Manufacturing capacity also remains at low level indicating slow growth for private investment 3) Exports could also face a potential slowdown from
in unabated coal in the portfolio adopt phase out plans by 2030 or sooner; an end to investment in new fossil fuel infrastructure assets, or exploration of new oil and gas fields/expansion of oil and
(THB/USD) 33.55 32.09 33.15 34.44 32.31 (หน่วย: ล้านบาท) ค่ำกำรกลัน่พืน้ฐำน 2,261 1,719 2,752 22% 60% 7,006 6,566 -6% Oil Hedging 68 (75) (78) -214% -3% 303 (190) -163% Inventory Gain/ (Loss)1/ 450 856
of natural gas corresponding to the crude oil price in the world market, the new accounting standard (Thai Financial Reporting Standard) regarding the financial instruments (TFRS 9) and the lease
, Thailand 2004 was a very challenging year for Thai economy and the capital market. We were faced successively with the adverse impacts of the SARs, the bird flu, and the oil price increases. But despite
เปลียน ภาษีเงินได้รอการตดับญัชี การด้อยค่าของสินทรพัย ์ และการรบัรู้รายได้แบบสญัญาเช่า 190 115 75 65% - ซีดบับลิวเอฟ : ผลประกอบการเพิมขึนจํานวน 75 ล้านบาท เนืองจากความเรว็ลม (wind speed) สูงกว่าช่วงเวลา