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more of the following shareholders hold its share in the amount not less than fifty percent of the total number of shares sold: 6 (a) legal entity under (2), (3), (4) or (5); (b) company holding shares
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methods of Acquisition/Disposition Remark CAPITAL NOMURA SECURITIES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED (CNS) Mrs. KRITTIKA THARAMART Reporter Common Share 03/03/2020 800,000 2.51 Sale Link Last updated on 31 March 2022
the plant in MWh, Calculate the 15% share of this output Apply conversion efficiency of the plant in question to derive thermal energy delivered in MWh Apply lower heat value ratio and heat
used for refinancing, it is recommended that issuers provide an estimate of the share of financing vs. re-financing, and where appropriate, also clarify which investments or project portfolios may be
decarbonizing further, we regularly collaborate across industries and government to share learnings and influence public policy in support of the transition to a low-carbon economy. Scope 1 Scope 2 (Market-based
(GLOCON) Miss LOUISE TAECHAUBOL Reporter Common Share 18/10/2021 30,000,000 1.27 Purchase Link Last updated on 20 September 2023
(YGG) Mr. SAROOT TUBLOY Reporter Warrant 10/01/2023 12,364,182 0.50 Sale Link YGGDRAZIL GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED (YGG) Mr. TANAT JUWIWAT Reporter Common Share 12/01/2021 12,100,000 12.70 Sale Link