รมำส 3/2562 มีมูลค่ำเท่ำกับ 3,673 ล้ำนบำท ซึ่งลดลงเมื่อเทียบกับสิ้นปีที่ผ่ำนมำ ร้อยละ 8.8 ซึ่งบริษัทได้ระมัดระวังในกำรปล่อยสินเชื่อค่อนข้ำงมำก และบริษัทยังคงสำมำรถจัดเก็บลูกหนี้ชั้นปกติ (Normal to X Day
was from a low profit-margin generating project as explained above, 53.2% of the total revenue was from project The Lofts Asoke which generate normal profit margin. Therefore, it helped to bring up the
quarter improved to 29.4% from 25.4% in 4Q/2018 due to the revenue mainly was from sales of projects with normal profit margin. For F&B business, the Company gained THB 7.0mn of gross profit in this period
cooked chicken products, normal production capacity was 2,000 metric tons per month. The 2 production lines, affected by fire accident, had production capacity of approximately 1,000 tons per month
สะดวกสบายใหร้องรบัโจทยไ์ลฟ์สไตลย์ุค NOW NORMAL ของลูกคา้ทุกกลุ่มในประเทศไทยและต่อยอดไปยังธุรกิจต่างประเทศ อาทิ บริการ ออนไลนท์ี่จะเปิดตวัที่รีนาเชนเต ประเทศอิตาลี ในเดือนมิถนุายนนี ้ทัง้นี ้บริษัทฯ มุ่ง
adapt their lifestyle to the prevailing situation that has emerged recently (New Normal), and to protect themselves from the pandemic. Consumers are spending more time at home, resulting in higher demand
) KEY HIGHLIGHTS • Total Revenue and Share of Profit and Net Profit for the second quarter of 2020 were THB 1,966.7 mm and THB 542.1 mm, respectively. This statutory figures consists of the normal
representing a decrease by Baht 632 Million or 80.6 percent when comparing to the net profit from normal operation of the same quarter of the previous year, mainly from the decrease in revenue from the effect of
, changes in consumer behavior from New Normal situation, and uncertainty of household income, as well as, the exaction of financial institution and liquidity of business. Nevertheless, the business sector
specialized medical centers to meet both regional and international demand for medical services. 3. New Normal Medical Services COVID-19 pandemic affects the trend of consumer behavior. Therefore, in order to