and the eruption of an oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, there were rising fears that the economy would plunge into deep recession – a signal of an imminent economic crisis. Given this
และขยำยธุรกิจ Non-Oil โดยมีจ ำนวนสถำนีบริกำรน ำมัน ณ สิ น Q1/2563 ทั งสิ น 1,204 สำขำ ทั งนี ค่ำกำรตลำดสุทธิปรับเพ่ิมขึ น เนื่องจำกรำคำน ำมันในตลำดโลกปรับลดลง ส่งผลให้บริษัทฯ สำมำรถก ำหนดรำคำขำยปลีก
จิพลงังำน) อกีทัง้มกีำรขยำยจ ำนวนสถำนีบรกิำรควบคู่ไปกบักำรพฒันำและขยำยธุรกจิ Non-Oil โดยมจี ำนวนสถำนี บรกิำรน ้ำมนั ณ สิน้ Q3/2562 ทัง้สิน้ 1,188 สำขำ ทัง้นี้ในส่วนของค่ำกำรตลำดสุทธปิรบัลดลงจำกไตรมำ
of slower-than-expected growth of the Chinese economy, political risks in Europe, and the impact of tightening global financial conditions. In spite of the weaker external sector, lower average oil
September 2017 driven by the continuous increasing in demand from trading partners in oil sector and domestic. Primary energy consumption in 2017 has improved by 2.4% compare to previous year and in the same
capital market as well as the decline in the price of the global oil market and the recession in the United States, the overall Thai economy was affected. Agricultural prices dropped sharply; causing
pandemic causes the worst global energy demand contraction in 70 years affecting demands for oil, LPG, LNG and electricity, etc. Ministry of Energy closely monitors Thailand energy situation and is prompt to
, High interest rate lending, Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Military, Nuclear power, Pornography, Reproductive medicine, Tar sands and oil shale, and Tobacco. 6 VE scale of assessment: Isolated / Occasional
satisfactory economic growth, many key nations such as Japan and China recorded a slowdown. The Eurozone was fragile while Russia faced economic problems and currency volatility from sharply declining crude oil
to a stronger growth of trading partners’ economy, and in terms of prices on the back of rising global crude oil price. Tourism sector continued to expand, private consumption gradually increased