investment horizon, applying Market Neutral strategy and advanced statistical modeling. In 3Q18, DI focusing on long-term investment with value based investment philosophy recorded loss on investment including
investment horizon, applying Market Neutral strategy and advanced statistical modeling. In 3Q18, DI focusing on long-term investment with value based investment philosophy recorded loss on investment including
structured products. HF focuses on equity and derivatives trading with less than 1 year investment horizon, applying Market Neutral strategy and advanced statistical modeling. In 2018, DI focusing on long-term
(EVN) under the long-term PPA. Quang Tri 1 is currently under Green-Field development phase and under advanced negotiation process with the expected commercial operating date in 2025. - On August 23
transition is less advanced. Similarly, differences in social factors including demographics, workforce participation and gender equality where issuer activities are undertaken may mean that what is regarded
, resulting in robust economic outlook. Transactions in both primary and secondary markets in 2003 were very active. Total value of shares offerings was 132,248 million baht, 20,832 million baht of which were
Association (ThaiBMA) Best IPO, Thailand: Gulf Energy Development Public Company Limited from The Asset magazine Best Repo Primary Dealer from the Bank of Thailand Bronze Class in the banking industry
มวลหรือชีวภาพที่ผลิตได้จะต้องมีการปล่อยก๊าซเรือนกระจกเป็นไปตามเกณฑ์ที่กำหนดไว้ในหน่วยของ gCO2e/kWh ตามตารางที่ 12 (โดยแปลงจากหน่วย gCO2e/MJ ของพลังงานต้นกำเนิด (primary energy) เพื่อให้มีความสอดคล้องกัน
& assets, management of proceeds, reporting). Note 1: The Green Bond Framework is an important part of the Certification Process. It is the primary reference for the verifier when undertaking the
ได้จัะต้ิองเป็นไปติามเกณฑ์์ การปล่อยแก๊สิเรอืนกระจักโดยเฉพาะพลงังานต้ินกำาเนดิ (Primary Energy) gCO2e/ MJ (ติารางท่ 3) สิำาหรับการผลิติความร้อน/ความเย็น และโรงผลิติ พลังงานไฟฟ้าและความร้อนร่วม (co