a means of payment of relevant laws to prohibit digital asset business operators from using digital assets as a means of payment for goods and services which may lead to a widespread use of digital
payment of relevant laws to prohibit digital asset business operators from using digital assets as a means of payment for goods and services which may lead to a widespread use of digital assets beyond the
ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor 1.2.5 ใบรับรองอื่นตามที่กำหนดเพิม่เติมบนเว็บไซต์ของสำนักงาน 2. การวางแผนและกำหนด ขอบเขตการตรวจสอบ ทบทวนแผนงานและขอบเขตการตรวจสอบให้สอดคล้องกับความเส่ียงด้าน IT และ ประกาศที่
prohibit digital asset business operators from using digital assets as a means of payment for goods and services which may lead to a widespread use of digital assets beyond the https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages
prohibit digital asset business operators from using digital assets as a means of payment for goods and services which may lead to a widespread use of digital assets beyond the https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages
from using digital assets as a means of payment for goods and services which may lead to a widespread use of digital assets beyond the https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=9366 <
amount and with respect to the insured events. Such events may cause damage to a property or have other impacts in excess of insurance coverage and may thus lead to significant costs that https
from using digital assets as a means of payment for goods and services which may lead to a widespread use of digital assets beyond the https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=9366 <
laws to prohibit digital asset business operators from using digital assets as a means of payment for goods and services which may lead to a widespread use of digital assets beyond the https
เงินรวมประจ างวดการบัญชี ปีล่าสดุไม่ถูกต้อง หรือแสดงความเห็นว่าถูกจ ากัดขอบเขตการตรวจสอบ NA ตามมาตรฐานท่ี lead regulator ยอมรับ ตามมาตรฐานที่ใช้กับกิจการที่ม ี ส่วนไดเ้สียสาธารณะ (PAE) 2. ไม่ค้าง