continue to provide the critical functions in such event of disruption. Clause 9. A securities company shall carry out the followings task at least once each year: (1) Testing and reviewing of the business
the followings task at least once each year: (1) Testing and reviewing of the business continuity plan under Clause 6; (2) Evaluation of the test results under (1) and preparation of the test evaluation
followings task at least once each year: (1) Testing and reviewing of the business continuity plan under Clause 6; (2) Evaluation of the test results under (1) and preparation of the test evaluation report by
สมาชิกเข้าร่วมลงนามระดับพหุภาคีเพื่อจะสามารถขอข้อมูลระหว่างกันได้สะดวก นอกจากนี้ ก.ล.ต. ได้ส่งผู้แทนเข้าร่วมใน Implementation Task Force ของ IOSCO เพื่อร่วมในการกำหนดมาตรฐานต่าง ๆ เกี่ยวกับการกำกับดูแล
Investment Scheme for non-retail investors (NRI CIS) ASEAN Collective Investment scheme for retail investors (retail ASEAN CIS) Asia Region Funds Passport (ARFP) Foreign ETF Name of CIS operator: Tel/Fax
Summary of Rules on Mutual Recognition of Funds between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and Thailand (HK-TH MRF) 1. Offerings for sale of Hong Kong Covered
the same period of previous year of 0.77 Million Baht, accounting for 5.78% as the project of CNG lorry truck inspection and increased number of inspection service in eastern region as the service
. Nevertheless, the Group has expanded testing and inspection service in eastern region since the last quarter of 2016. Gross profit margin for the year rather decreased because service cost for engineer and
supervisors No. SEC. Nor Jor. (Wor) 1/2564 Re: Mutual Recognition of Funds between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and Thailand We would like to bring your attention to
testing and inspection service in eastern region amounting of 3.87 Million Baht as the Group has expanded the market since the last quarter of 2016. However, service cost for engineer and depreciation has