management as well as sale mix management in each product category efficiently. This led to increasing in net profit for the year from Baht 184.72 million to Baht 191.19 million in 2018 or changed by 3.5
ได้ ออ่นตวัลงและการแข่งขนัท่ีเพ่ิมสงูขึน้ ส าหรับงานส่งออกลดลงเป็น 31 ล้านบาทหรือลดลง 40% เป็นผลจาก การเลื่อนส่งมอบงานในประเทศเวียดนาม รวมทัง้ในปีท่ีแล้วบริษัทได้ขายโคมไฟฟ้า LED จ านวนมากเพ่ือใช้ ติด
from selling of electricity increase 0.93 million baht or 1.35%. 1.2) Revenue from Sales increase 1. 36 million baht or 12. 31% due to increasing in revenue from sale of ceiling fan and LED light from
Thai Economy in Q1/FY2018 pushed forward the market’s growth in every aspects, as well as growth of Thai GDP that led to; 1. Increase in Company’s sales around 77.22 million baht or 5.99% comparing to
year 2017 the Company has continuously emphasized on strengthening the brand perception, its reliability and quality of the products of which led the Company in implementing the related sales and
performance of Thai Economy in Q2/FY2018 pushed forward the market’s growth in every aspects, as well as growth of Thai economy that led to; 1. Increase in Company’s revenue around 93.02 million baht or 6.92
of Thai Economy in Q3/FY2018 pushed forward the market’s growth in every aspects, as well as growth of Thai economy that led to; 1. Increase in Company’s revenue around 92.48 million baht or 7.06
economy that led to; 1. Increase in Company’s revenue around 282.66 million baht or 5.30% comparing to last year due to the growth of automobile’s and motorcycle’s production. 2. Increase in raw material
2020, Selling and Administrative Expenses was 330 MTHB, aligned with Q2 2019, from lower transportation costs which led by decrease of export sales volume offset by unrealized loss on exchange rate. 3
4 1 25% KR 5 10% KR 2 1 35% A: Strategic sectors (BCG/ S-Curve/ Soft Power / SMEs) ด าเนินการได้ตามแผน A: Digital Assets B: Tech-led supervision C: Cybersecurity A: เสริมสร้างความ https