beds which will be located in the downtown, crowded of Thai and foreigner tourists, may causing the inadequate capacity of medical services during high season. 9. The opinion of the Board of Directors
in HRC market price. In Q2/18, an overall market for Steel industry has dropped as cyclical situation according to a long holiday period in April and starting of the rain season which will result to a
% from 80.8% in the same period as a result of the consolidation of the European hotel business, which was a low season during that period. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS 1Q 2018 15 MAY 2018 U CITY PCL
heavier rainfall than the previous year and severe flood in the western region of the Country. Nonetheless, after the rainy season has subsided, the consumers shall return in order to repair their residence
revenue decreased by 12% majority because of ME sale volume, at 84,637 tons, decreased by 6%. The decreasing of sale volume was caused by the rainy season, and a fuel trader brought out its stock that was
ไตรมาส 3 โดยปกตแิลว้จะมี ผลกระทบของฤดูกาล ซึง่ถอืเป็นชว่ง low season อกีทัง้การบรโิภคภายในประเทศทียั่งฟ้ืนตัว ระดับหนี้สนิภาค ครัวเรอืนทียั่งอยูใ่นระดบัสงู ทําใหย้อดขายในไตรมาสที ่3/2561 ยังไมไ่ดต้ามเป้า
construction material market during the last quarter of this year should improve due to better economic conditions and more certainty in political situation in the country. The end of rainy season will also
นบาท ลดลง 7.88ลา้นบาท หรอืคดิเป็นอตัรารอ้ยละ 699.33 เนืองจากเป็นชว่งLow seasonตน้ทนุในการบรหิาร และตน้ทนุการขายผลประกอบการในไตรมาสที 4 ขาดทุนสทุธ ิ 0.0471 บาทต่อหุน้ ตลอดปี 2562 บรษิทัมกีาํไรสุทธ ิจาํนวน
) the reduction of room rates to drive occupancy during the non-peak season. The overall occupancy rate decreased by 11% from 1Q 2019, mainly due to COVID-19 situation. 53 hotels out of 57 hotels in the
activities in the amount of 1,067.86 million baht, mainly due to an increase in short-term loan from financial institutions. Future operating trends Third quarter is deemed to be high season of healthcare