improvement. Other Transaction In Year 2018, the company recorded Baht 34.0 million from gain on changes in fair value less costs to sell biological asset, gain on sales deposits from land Baht 22.2 million and
improvement in shipping costs and adjustment of commission policy which was adjusted to pay at lower rate than last year. 8. Administrative expenses In 2018, administrative expenses increased by Baht 20. 0
from sale of property, plant and equipment Baht 2.08 million - Cash paid for payable from purchase of building improvement and equipment Baht (16.74) million 3. Cash flow from financing activity, net
) Attributable to Owners of the Company (23.21) (28.30) 5.09 17.99% Non-controlling interests - - - - Total comprehensive income attributable to Owners of the Company (23.21) (28.30) 5.09 17.99% Non-controlling
) channel presented improvement of 3 million baht, comparing to Q2/2016. o Average selling price of Q2/2017 reduced 17%, comparing to last year. The company presented net profit of Q2/2017 of 150 million
year mainly due to tax from sales of investments in the current period. Profit attributable to non-controlling interests of the subsidiaries amounted to Baht 10 million in the current period as compared
were results of declining in modern trade market and HORECA (Hotel, restaurant, catering). While traditional trade presented improvement comparing to Q3/2016. ● The company presented net profit in Q3
รหิารการจดัการในเรื่องจ านวนพนักงานทัง้ส่วนหน้ารา้นคา้และในฝ่าย ส านักงาน โรงงาน ใหม้ปีระสทิธภิาพมากยิง่ขึน้ โดยการจดัท าโครงการ Process Improvement ในหลายๆส่วน การจดัอบรมเพื่อใหพ้นกังานมคีวามเขา้ใจในงา
increase in proportion as much as the revenue. Overall, it resulted in the improvement of net profit margin for the group as mentioned. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely Yours, (Mr. Pete Rimchala
the Company’s tax privileges granted by BOI; other expenses did not increase in proportion as much as the revenue. Overall, it resulted in the improvement of net profit margin for the group as mentioned