approved by its board of directors. UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Clause 4. A securities company shall establish measures to control and monitor compliance with the policy set out in Clause 3 and allocate
continuity management that is approved by its board of directors. Clause 4. A securities company shall establish measures to control and monitor compliance with the policy set out in Clause 3 and allocate
), internal control and risk management in undertaking gold derivatives brokerage business, including the measures to control and monitor compliance with the established policy and measures; (8) Being able to
), internal control and risk management in undertaking gold derivatives brokerage business, including the measures to control and monitor compliance with the established policy and measures; (8) Being able to
(Chinese Wall), internal control and risk management in undertaking gold derivatives brokerage business, including the measures to control and monitor compliance with the established policy and measures; (8
Coronavirus (Covid-19) impacting to the world and caused many types of business to severe disruption and unable to assess when the situation will end. UBIS (Asia) company was affected in this quarter as well
clearly affected which the company will have to monitor the future situation closely. However, The Company still target to grow 10% in sales from 2019, considering that the business of the company is a part
. Loaned amount was reserved to mitigate liquidity risks in business operations. The Company shall continue to monitor the pandemic situation in core markets and reduce the loaned amount accordingly. Nine
งด้ำนสภำพ ภูมิอำกำศ • กำรตรวจสอบ (monitor) ควำมเสี่ยงด้ำนสภำพ ภูมิอำกำศของพอร์ตกำรลงทุน อย่ำงสม่ ำเสมอ ซึ่งรวมถึง ควำมเสี่ยงทำงกำยภำพ (physical risk) ด้วย Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 กำรจัดท ำ scenario
issues from carbon reduction to waste management and inclusive workplace. It also guides organizations to reimagine business models and partnerships to innovate as well as to take action to mitigate risks