shareholders (12 debenture creditors) 1,431 4.31 Total 10,000 100.00 Note * Attorney of debenture creditor about 501 persons, who is an agent for the reconciliation of debentures. Kudun and Partners PS Limited
. ……………………………… ………………………………... ………………………………… 3. ……………………………… ………………………………... ………………………………… In the capacity as the REIT Manager and the Attorney-in-Fact appointed by the Trustee to act on behalf of the REIT (please attach herewith the Power of
edit the document which will be submitted to the government agencies or the other relevant agencies. (D) Perform any other tasks that the attorney view as necessary and appropriately to complete the
person to sign on the letter notifying the SEC of the name of the company secretary and the document storage location? A: Yes, preferably attached with the power of attorney. In any case, the previous one
ยีดเพิม่เตมิ (ถำ้ม)ี หนว่ยงำนภำครฐัผูอ้อกเอกสำร 1) (กรณีนติบิคุคลตา่งประเทศ) Power of Attorney ฉบบัจรงิ 1 ฉบับ ส ำเนำ 1 ฉบับ หมำยเหต ุ(- สง่ส ำเนำผำ่นระบบอเิล็กทรอนกิสข์องส ำนักงำน ก.ล.ต. - สง่เอกสำร
person to sign on the letter notifying the SEC of the name of the company secretary and the document storage location? A: Yes, preferably attached with the power of attorney. In any case, the previous one
the Attorney-General to improve flexible working methods and efficiency of legal proceedings. Additionally, the SEC teamed up with the Ministry of Justice to develop and improve legal procedures related
Court. The total amount of the lawsuit is 323,296,077.43 THB due to lack of clear guidelines from MAT. On November 20, 2017, the defense attorney requested for the case to be postponed by giving reasons
Court. The total amount of the lawsuit is 323,296,077.43 THB due to lack of clear guidelines from MAT. On November 20, 2017, the defense attorney requested for the case to be postponed by giving reasons
appropriate persons to be the substitute attorney in fact to perform the above. Please be informed accordingly, Sincerely yours, Singha Estate Public Company Limited // (Mr. Naris Cheyklin) Chief Executive