the company. Expand investment to create stability and growth in the future. Generally, solar cell projects have contract period of 20-25 years, guaranteeing the fixed revenue during that period. The
Company plans to expand the locations with partners and focuses management system for all type of vending machines, namely the vending and top-up service machine, the flexible (spiral) vending machine, and
capital markets through a single point of entry (SET and Bursa Malaysia are expected to be the first pair to link next year). As for the integration beyond ASEAN markets, there are plans to expand the
markets through a single point of entry (SET and Bursa Malaysia are expected to be the first pair to link next year).? As for the integration beyond ASEAN markets, there are plans to expand the scheme, to
companies and securities held for trading in 4Q19. The Company's investment in 2019 was in line with the long-term strategic plans: Balance, Diversify and Expand. In addition to the investment in ECC which
companies and securities held for trading in 4Q19. The Company's investment in 2019 was in line with the long-term strategic plans: Balance, Diversify and Expand. In addition to the investment in ECC which
companies and securities held for trading in 4Q19. The Company's investment in 2019 was in line with the long-term strategic plans: Balance, Diversify and Expand. In addition to the investment in ECC which
ตามท่ีก าหนดในส่วนที่ 6 ของ แนวทางปฏิบัติฉบับนี้ บลจ. MF/PVD ห้ามท า short-term speculation ยกเว้นกรณ ี บลจ. MF/PVD มอบหมายให้ บลจ. PF อื่น บริหารให้ โดยไม่ชี้น า/ สั่งการ (4) กรณบีริษัทจัดการกองทุนรวม
ซื้อขำยในช่วงเวลำ ดังกล่ำวได้ (1.7) กรณีของบริษัทจัดกำรซึ่งมีข้อจ ำกัดกำรลงทุนโดยต้องไม่มีลักษณะเป็น short term speculation ผู้แสดงควำมคิดเห็นมีประเด็นเกี่ยวกับกำรขยำยควำมกำรลงทุนที่มิใช่ short term
same loan conditions. Transaction size calculated from the principle 250.00 million baht x 5.25 percent/ annum by using hypothesis of 1-year loan from the date of signing the first contract on 27 May