per unit. Moreover, BCP Trading’ s sales volume rose, and there was an additional revenue realization from the Ethanol business after the business amalgamation in Q4/2017. Management Discussion and
. Meanwhile, sales of branded product by 3rd party’s manufacture decreased by THB 275 million or 34.1% since these are non-core products but tools to expand the Company’s brand awareness. The new product
customer awareness on both network and brand. Admin and other expenses rose 13% YoY, inclusive of the legal severance compensation amounting to Bt602mn. As a result, reported EBITDA stood at Bt38,023mn flat
simply reaching a large audience through mass communications. As a result, advertisers can meet their objectives in creating awareness, engagement and conversion. In this exciting environment, companies
growing 4.1% YoY and 1% QoQ following growth in mobile postpaid segment, fixed broadband, and full-quarter consolidation of CSL. AIS kept on building brand awareness of the NEXT G network, now available in
. Outdoor media’s strength is as a medium that reaches consumers when they are on-the-go to create brand awareness with extensive reach. Over the last few years, the outdoor media segment has consolidated
to the Project Crossroads Phase 2. Since the Company group plans to proceed on a marketing for the Project Crossroads Phase 1 to promote to enhance public's awareness and to prepare for business
, decreasing 6.9% YoY but increasing 12% QoQ, mainly from the movement in handset campaigns and higher advertising spending to increase customer awareness in the quarter. Marketing expenses to total revenue was
53 million or 30.5% since these are non-core products but tools to expand the Company’s brand awareness. The new product, carbonated Carabao Green Apple flavor in a 180-ml can (“Carabao Green Apple
, investor, reviewer) เพ่ือสร้าง awareness และกระตุน้ใหเ้กิดความสนใจ - ประชุม/ อบรมใหพ้นกังานมีความเขา้ใจเชิงลึกต่อแผนพฒันา sustainable finance ของต่างประเทศ รวมถึงกลไก eco-system ท่ีส าคญั 11 การจดัตั้งและ