sustainable return to shareholders in the long-term. Central Phuket Floresta Building, CPN’s latest retail development, was opened on September 10, 2018 The opening of Central Phuket, the largest shopping
sustainable return to shareholders in the long-term. Central Phuket Floresta Building, CPN’s latest retail development, was opened on September 10, 2018 The opening of Central Phuket, the largest shopping
revenue from Centre Point Hotel Pattaya which opened in the end of 2018. Page 2 of 4 3) Other income: Other income in the second quarter of 2019 decreased by Baht 1 million or 1% increase compared to the
: 1. Managing the Structure of the Revenue, The company added a sales business segment in the past 2019 and the company opened a new shopping center to support future growth. The company opened a new
increase in operating revenue while corresponding expenses did not increase significantly. Management Discussion & Analysis Q2/2019 1H/2019 Significant Events After You Successfully Opened 6 Branches in 1H
Café Branches In the previous year, the Company opened a new brand called "Luggaw" that focuses on selling products made from Thai fruits. The brand received a positive response from health-conscious
2Q19 stood at 73%, expecting to grow throughout the year. Central Phuket opened a world-class luxury zone, gathering the best of global luxury brand for example, BALENCIAGA, BVLGARI, CHLOÉ, GUCCI, HERMÈS
of 15 • Central Phuket Floresta, opened on September 10, 2018 as the 33th shopping center of CPN, is the latest luxury and lifestyle destination that features famous global brands, as well as a variety
17,000 visitors per day. The first phase accounted for approximately 20,000 sqm. NLA with occupancy rate stood at 77% at the end of 3Q19. Opened the largest aquarium in Thailand “AQUARIA Phuket” at Central
ไตรมาส 2 ปี 2561 จ านวน 1.79 ลา้นบาท เน่ืองจากของเสยีจากการผลติยงัสงูกว่า มาตรฐาน และปรมิาณสนิคา้ Flexible Packaging ยงัไม่เตม็ก าลงัการผลติ ท าใหย้งัไม่ครอบคลมุตน้ทุนคงที ่ 3. ค่าใช้จ่ายในการขาย ไตรมาส 2