2018, the Company’s total revenues were Baht 400.29 million decreased by Baht 7 6 .8 0 million, or 1 6 .1 0 % from the same quarter of 2017, mainly from the decreased branches from 121 branches to 103
Microsoft Word - 015 ชี้แจงกำไรE (Translation) IR 015/20 May 14, 2020 Re : To explain the reasons on the company’s net profit (net loss) more than 20% from last year. To : The President The Stock
% from last year. Dear Sir, Karmarts Public Company Limited would like to submit financial statement for the period of 3 months ended September 30, 2019. The company’s net profit is Baht 56.66 million. The
: Overview of the operating result for the year ended December 31, 2018 The company’s total revenue for the year ended December 31, 2018 was THB 206,575 million, increased by THB 18,577 million from the same
180.1 million, decreased by THB 24.0 million or 11.8% from the prior period and also decreased by THB 59.3 million or 24.8% from the same period of prior year. It mainly decreased from revenue from
operating results were, Description First Quarter 2018 First Quarter 2019 Differentiate Million THB % Million THB % Million THB % Revenues Revenues from sales of real estate 1,986.7 80.3 3,000.4 86.9 1,013.7
Company and subsidiaries as follows: S&P Syndicate PCL and subsidiaries operating performance for 2nd quarter Ending 30 Jun 2019 Revenue from Sales and Services In the second quarter of year 2019, the
revenue was Baht 58.63 million, an increase by Baht 41.81 million or 249% mainly from: Fee and service income of Baht 17.58 million, increasing by Baht 17.26 million mainly from ICO portal service fee of
Human Resources and Payroll Outsourcing-services 60.16 45.77 56.21 47.26 1.2 Income from software and Human Resources System 45.58 34.67 34.40 28.92 Revenues from HR Solutions 105.74 80.44 90.61 76.18 2
2016 with net income of Baht 29.94 million. The Baht 120.88 million decreased from the following reasons: 1. Total revenue decreased of Baht 128.68 million due to :- Fee and service income decreased of