Ranking CG Score 1/ CG Score AGM Level 2/ AGM Score Thai-CAC 3/ Thai CAC 3/ Certified SET ESG Ratings 4/ SET ESG Ratings AAA Ranking by Industry Business 4/ Company Profile 4/ Field name Detail Address AIS
/ AGM Score Thai-CAC 3/ Thai CAC 3/ Certified SET ESG Ratings 4/ SET ESG Ratings A Ranking by Industry Business 4/ Company Profile 4/ Field name Detail Address 99 MOO 1 HITECH INDUSTRIAL ESTATE TAMBON
PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Sustainability Development Ranking CG Score 1/ CG Score AGM Level 2/ AGM Score Thai-CAC 3/ Thai CAC 3/ Certified SET ESG Ratings 4/ SET ESG Ratings AAA Ranking by Industry Business
ลงทุน ดา้นหลกัทรัพยห์รือดา้นตลาดทุน แลว้แต่กรณี และการมีประสบการณ์การท างาน ท่ีเก่ียวขอ้ง (2) เป็นผูท่ี้ผา่นการอบรม แต่ไม่ผา่นการทดสอบตามหลกัสูตรการวางแผนการลงทุน (Certified Financial Planner: CFP) module
) Public Company Limited, (“The company”) would like to notify the resolution of the Board of Directors Meeting No.7/2018, hold on August 6th, 2018 as follows: 1. Certified the minutes of the Board of
, and companies certified by CAC. 4 The Stock Exchange of Thailand : the record of listed companies with corporate sustainable development "Thai sustainability Investment 2021" included: SET and mai
intention to join CAC, and companies certified by CAC. 4 The Stock Exchange of Thailand : the record of listed companies with corporate sustainable development "Thai sustainability Investment 2022" included
seeking approval of investment analysts to pass examination on derivatives in addition to holding Certified Financial Planner (CFP) certification. Thai Bond Market Association bond dealer members will be
be certified or registered and subject to inspection by relevant governmental agencies, strict supervision imposed on limited companies or public limited companies should not apply. This would allow
The seminar series will showcase a pool of knowledge and advice from certified financial planners (CFP) and experts on financial, investment and debt management. Investors and the interested public