profit 427.9 354.5 73.4 20.7 Net gain (loss) on exchange rate 112.2 (28.3) 140.5 N.A. (>100) Gain on forward contracts 49.5 - 49.5 N.A. (>100) Other income 173.0 14.1 158.9 1,127.0 Profit before expenses
profit 427.9 354.5 73.4 20.7 Net gain (loss) on exchange rate 112.2 (28.3) 140.5 N.A. (>100) Gain on forward contracts 49.5 - 49.5 N.A. (>100) Other income 173.0 14.1 158.9 1,127.0 Profit before expenses
0.9 (99.5%) (91.8%) 25.1 173.9 592.8% Profit before expenses 383.5 713.1 388.3 (45.5%) 1.3% 723.8 1,101.4 52.2% Gain (loss) on forward contracts - 49.5 (50.8) N.A. (
305.6 338.1 10.6% (4.5%) 657.2 643.7 (2.1%) * Extraordinary items from non-operating, consists of unrealised gain(loss) on exchange rate of receivable under finance lease agreement, gain(loss) on forward
1,031.9 221.7 1,253.6 985.0 153.0 1,138.0 9M-2020 9M-2021 Extraordinary items from non-operating, consists of unrealized gain on exchange rate of receivable under finance lease agreement, gain on forward
149.2 1,507.6 1,378.3 127.4 1,505.7 2020 2021 Extraordinary items from non-operating, consists of unrealized gain on exchange rate of receivable under finance lease agreement, gain on forward contracts
other persons by using negative material non- public information concerning BLA’s operating net profit decrease in Q2/2014 of 168.79 million baht which significantly fell from the operating net profit of
) 815.3 1,358.4 149.2 1,507.6 2019 2020 Extraordinary items from non-operating, consists of unrealized gain(loss) on exchange rate of receivable under finance lease agreement, gain(loss) on forward
% (based on information from the Department of Energy Business). There was also the expansion of service station locations along with the development and expansion of Non-Oil business. As of the end of Q3
business going forward. 8 Capital Investments IVL is committed to investing around $ 1.8 billion on identified growth and maintenance-related projects between 2017 and 2020 (including the DuPont Teijin and